Monday, October 10, 2005

Superficial Spirituality

We live in a society that tells us in order to feel good we must look good, society also dictates what will make us feel good, as if we were children without direction. The problem with this feel good philosophy is that many accredit it with too much power, as if being a perfect size 8 or a macho image will fix our interior soul, and all our insecurities and problems will cease.

This constant focus on the superficialities of life only increases our inner turmoil, insecurities and self doubt, as many search about looking for the perfect diet, in order to have the perfect body, where men and women spend copious hours in the gym and even more hours on the therapists couch.

In a culture where the new TV sensation is the 'make over' shows, where a person can be transformed by applying more skilled makeup techniques, and wearing the best designer labels. These TV shows also intrude upon one's home as if by redesigning the decor, will provide the 'spiritual elixir' which many people are longing for. Yet when the cameras stop rolling, what happens to those who thought that this would be the magic pill they needed in order to feel whole and secure?

The problem is that many people become confused with sincere spirituality and self improvement and believe that both are the same thing, no they are not! But due to such catchy phraseology as 'self esteem', 'self awareness' 'self fulfilment' and 'self image', many buy into this way of thinking and believe it is this that will fill the emptiness they feel within their inner most being.

This is not to negate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, nor those who wish to utilise the gifts they have been given, through their various careers or hobbies, but it should not be the entire focus on which they depend. It is when we think that the only thing that will improve us is a better body, a better home or a better job that we will stumble and miss out on the most integral aspect of personal happiness, for joy springs from within, and not without.

This spirit of joy cannot be found in self improvement courses or books, for joy has its origins from the indwelling Spirit. This inner joy and peace is that which Christ promised us and is there for all if they seek it with all their hearts and souls. One begins with a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude to God not for what He has given us, but for who He is, we then partake in the Divine nature by adoption as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The feeling of wellbeing and sense of inner security and certainty does not need validation from the outside world, for a soul that has centred itself on Christ has no need of superficial fixes, for it has found the pearl of great price. This does not mean that a soul can then go to sleep and expect God to do all the work, for in order to maintain a healthy spirituality one needs to practice prayer, in all its different forms. And in order to maintain a healthy prayer life, we need to keep our focus on Jesus and allow the indwelling Spirit free access to give us the Gifts we need.

In affect prayer requires discipline, in order to hear the still small voice of God we need quiet times of reflection and intercession, and in a busy world this is not easy. There must also be an understanding that prayer is not an emptying of one's mind, but of focussing one's mind and recognising the Presence of God within the soul and acknowledging with reverence that one is in the Presence of the Divine.

For it is when we take our eyes away from God that we, like Peter, will begin to sink beneath the waves of despair, futility and powerlessness. This is why we must learn to discipline our mind and keep it focussed on our Lord and Saviour, in who lay our peace of heart, mind and soul, even amidst the daily turmoil of life.

It is when we open our hearts to a loving and forgiving Father that we find our true worth, as God transforms our souls into living reflections of His Beloved Son. This is where we find our peace, that peace which Christ speaks of, which the world cannot provide, no matter how alluring the outside package may look for without that inner joy, one becomes a plastic image of the Divine.

For God loves us where we are as we are, we do not have to fit into a size 8 or have a perfectly buffed up physique in order to gain the validation we need to feel worthy and lovable. We also do not need to be 'perfect' in order to be loved, for it is through God's Divine Love for His children which will perfect us, as we open our hearts to our loving Heavenly Father.

The key to peace lay not in the outside world but in the inner sanctum of the soul....

Peace of Christ to ALL

Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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